Paid for Sign Up
- Inboxdollars:
Inboxdollars currently runs many programs to earn cash online-Cash Offers(100% FREE Offers), Cash Surveys,Cash Game and Cash Shopping.You can earn in all way.Your other secondary earning opportunity is your referral link-Refer your Friends Earn Cash for Referring your Friends.
You can join Inboxdollars Here
- E-Mail Pays U:
I just wanted to let you know about a great new Internet program called E-Mail Pays U! They pay you
for simply reading email and sign up! To make it even better they will give you $10 just to join up. E-Mail Pays U will
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You can join E-Mail Pays U Here
- Owensclickplace:
Owensclickplace is the place to earn money through Paid to sign up ,Paid to click and Referral.
The more active the you are the more chance on higher place on the list and a bigger
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- UniqPaid:
Our members earn Real Cash by Signing Up for Free Offers, Visiting sites, Reading Emails, Shoping Online and more...
You can join UniqPaid Here
- UniqueRewards:
UniqueRewards reward our members for taking part in the excellent and unique offers of our partners. Our Members earn Real Cash doing what they like to do! Sign up for our free unique offers, visit great sites, read e-mails, shop online, and more... And then they will get Cash Rewards!
You can join UniqueRewards Here
- Gypsy Jackpot:
This is one of the highest paying GPT site and provides various type of opportunities to earn good income in leisure.This site will pay you for reading mail,clicking link,paying for sign up,filling surveys,playing online games and referring friends.Earning money and getting payment is so easy that you can request twice -thrice for payment.Minimum payment is only $10 and through PayPal.Join now and get $5 bonus,You can join Gypsy Jackpot Here
- Donkeymails:
Donkeymails is also famous paid ot read,paid for sign up and paid for review website.This site has no minimum payout restriction and payment mode is PayPal or Alertpay or E-gold.There is always offer to this site and various option to earn.From my side,I rate this site an excellent.You can join Donkeymails Here
- ClixN'Cash:
Here at ClixN'Cash you can GET PAID to view websites, read ads, complete offers, refer other, promote our site, and more! Registrationis absolutely free and you can start earning cash today!You will get paid through PayPal or Alertpay and minimum payout is only $.5 for PayPal and $1 for PayPal.You can join ClixN'Cash Here
- CashbackWOW:
Every time you shop online from hundreds of retailers you get cashback. You also get cashback for registering with other sites, completing surveys and even essential items like insurance renewals.By referring a friend ,you get £7.00 too.You can join CashbackWOW Here
- Gptreasure:
Gptreasure is other good PTR website and offer various ways to earn money.This program has good referral bonus.Payment mode is PayPal and minmum payout is $10.Payment can be requested every week.You can join Gptreasure Here
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